Annual Conferences on European Integration and Migration are organised at Yalova (Yalova), Anadolu (Eskişehir), Atatürk (Erzurum), Dicle (Diyarbakır), Erciyes (Kayseri) Universities once every academic year during the life-time of the Module. Annual Conferences shall be given by academics and practitioners who are experts on European Union Law and/or European and international migration law and shall be invited from the draft attached list depending on their availability. It shall introduce the topics of origins of European integration, the main principles of EU law, legal and illegal migration in the EU, rights of Turkish migrants in the EU member states based on the Association agreements and well as the readmission agreement, human rights and migration. Annual Conferences particularly target the students and academics of those Universities but shall also be announced to the general public via different networks such as the Bar Associations, Directorate General of Migration or NGO’s in these cities.
- Eskişehir, February 24, 2020 (Monday)
- Erzurum, March 19, 2020 (Thursday)
- Diyarbakır, March 25, 2020 (Wednesday)
- Kayseri, April 2, 2020 (Thursday)
- Yalova, April 16, 2020 (Thursday)